Saturday, April 2, 2016

Sorting the Existing Pokémon

Meeeeeenghhhhhhh. Auuuuuuurgh.  Bleeeeeeeeck.

Plenty of things about this Living Dex Mission suck.  For instance, sorting the pre-existing pokémon.

That picture is a shot of all some industrious person's 720 pokémon lined up in their little boxes, in order. 

Some day reasonably soon, I hope to be able to put together a screenshot compilation like that.  As of now however, my boxes look like a Kentucky Smile — lots and lots of empty spaces. (I can say that; I'm from Kentucky.)

This is somewhat embarrassing, but I'll just say it.  Sorting my pokes has taken me over a day. Over. a. day. That's a day that I could be doing much more fruitful stuff. Part of this Living Dex Mission is coming to terms with how much of a time-suck it is. 

Anyways, I've been using a someone's amazing work to help me along.  Here's the link; hope it is a stable one.

It's basically a google spreadsheet listing all 720 pokémon as they will appear in the game's 5x6 boxes. You can control+F search to find the poke you're looking for, and it will visually guide you to where you should place the pokémon, and in which box.  So handy! I would've been lost without it.

But finally, except for some strays, I've sorted ALL of my existing pokémon. (I'm calling it done.) I'm already running out of space for my spares.  Thank the poké gods for the online Pokémon Bank.  Because of it, I'm able to not worry about overflow.  

Also, by cleaning the Bank out, I've found some great pokémon from years ago that I'd thought were lost.  For instance, my level 76 Chatot, named Snicker.  That annoying, little bird-mon is a MONSTER in competitive play.  It's a troll like no other, and can pack a surprising punch. It causes confusion and sleep and Hyper Voice does decent Normal-Type damage.

I look forward to bringing Snicker out for a good run-around. 

But for now, the sorting is DONE! Ha ha! Ha HA!

One thing that was also really cool is getting the run-down on poké-history, by seeing where each pokémon falls numerically.  I played During Gen One and Two, but then I was absent until Pokémon X and Y.  So, I've been introduced to a lot of new pokes in the last two years. It's fun to see when they were introduced by sorting them in order.

QUESTION FOR YOU: Can you sort your pokémon AND watch TV at the same time? (I can't.)

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